Straight and Narrow

Here are some of the more recent articles that our team has created and/or placed in a variety of publications.

Straight and Narrow
Straight and NarrowBy cole Posted in  Jp  | 07 Aug 2012

Bent front axles in JKs are just about as common as JKs themselves. If you add 35s and ‘wheel your late-model Wrangler hard, we’ll guarantee your axle has more shape than Megan Fox. Even mere 33s and daily driving can eventually tweak the Dana 30 and 44 under these vehicles.

Naturally, you can buy a bullet-proof complete axle assembly to bolt in place, but that’s overkill for many JKs. If you have stocker that you’re building into a decent off-road machine, however, you can add some beef to the axle under your Jeep without taking out a bank loan.